Resources for Recovery
The ISO of SAA
The International Service Organization of SAA conducts the business of SAA and provides literature and other services to the groups. More information can be found at the ISO’s website including a list of SAA meetings worldwide and the SAA Group Guide.
Without the efforts of the ISO of Sex Addicts Anonymous, our recovery would not be possible. Without the ISO, SAA groups and intergroups would not only be autonomous, they would be isolated and fragmented. Communicating and coordinating within such a diverse and far flung membership is a huge challenge. Without the ISO, the challenge could not be met. We owe a debt of gratitude and service.
SAA approved literature can be ordered online at the ISO store
Purchases of literature and donations help the ISO maintain operations.
Pacific Northwest SAA Fellowships
We are fortunate to have a large number of SAA groups in the Pacific Northwest. Our Intergroup stays in close contact with our neighbors to the north and south.
Other Sex/Love Addiction Recovery Fellowships
Sex Addicts Anonymous is not the only group that uses the twelve-step model for sex addiction recovery. But SAA is not affiliated with any other twelve-step programs, nor are we a part of any other organization. We do not support, endorse, or oppose outside causes or issues.