“The Seventh Tradition ensures that other influences or organizations, however well-meaning, never interfere with our primary purpose. By declining outside contributions, we are free to focus on carrying the SAA message, and that message only.”
— Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 87
Our Seventh Tradition holds that SAA ought to be fully self-supporting, accepting contributions from members only. Donations to the Eugene SAA Intergroup are not currently tax-deductible. Any funds left after our expenses are passed on to the ISO of SAA (International Service Organization). If you would like to contribute directly to the ISO of SAA for a tax-deductible donation, please go there.
You may donate to Eugene SAA via check to our P.O. box address on our contact page. Intergroup expenses help us to carry the message in the spirit of the Fifth Tradition and include:
Maintaining our website, email, and phone line services at
Meeting space rental
P.O. Box rental
Maintaining and distributing literature
Special inreach and outreach projects
Intergroup-sponsored events such as speaker meetings and retreats. The Intergroup may sponsor local "telemeetings" but we are careful to observe the Fourth Tradition of group autonomy: each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or SAA as a whole
See Purpose of the Intergroup and other guidance in the SAA ISO's Group Guide.